
Hvam was one of 23 clubs from Norway that had teams playing during KIWI BAMA Cup 2024. They participated with four teams in Gutter 8 (født 2016) and Gutter 11 (født 2013) respectively.

In addition to this, Hvam have participated in KIWI BAMA Cup before. During KIWI BAMA Cup 2023, Hvam had 5 teams playing in Gutter 6 (født 2017) and Gutter 7 (født 2016) respectively.

Hvam comes from Hvam which lies approximately 26 km from EIDSVOLL, where KIWI BAMA Cup takes place. The area around Hvam does also provide 20 additional clubs participating during KIWI BAMA Cup 2024 (Among others: Bøn, Dal, Hurdal, Holter, Hakadal, Strømmen, Sand, Ullensaker/Kisa, Frogner IL and Eidsvold Turnforening).

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